Posse de Fabrícia Martins como Secretária de Saúde em São José (SC)

On July 1, nurse Fabrícia Martins, a phD student in the Graduate Program in Nursing Management, was sworn in by Mayor Orvino Coelho de Ávila, Health Secretary of the municipality of São José. Fabrícia has been a Nurse of the Family Health Strategy in the municipal network for 16 years and in the last 7 years has served as Director of Primary Health Care and Undersecretary, during which the municipality increased the coverage of primary care from 65 to 95%. In the same period, the municipal health network was computerized and new care technologies were implemented in the municipality. Currently, the health of São José presents as a challenge the expansion of user access to the health network through the optimization of services and the use of technological innovations aimed at the classification of care!

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