XVIII Brazilian Congress on Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology

01/11/2022 10:23

Between November 26 and 29, 2022, the XVIII Brazilian Congress of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology took place in the city of São Paulo. The graduate program in Nursing Care Management, Master Nurse Michelle Machado Fortunato, participated in the event in which she can update on the subject. She also had the opportunity to meet Dr. Gonzalo Vecina who prefaced the book Health Under Multiple Eyes in which Master Michelle was a co-author in the chapter entitled Infection Control, the Art of Saving Lives.

Michelle can also deliver the book to Dr. Didier Pittet, who specializes in infectious diseases and director of the Infection Control Program and the WHO Collaborating Center on Patient Safety in Geneva.

Michelle also received from Rioquímica, on behalf of the Unimed Criciúma Hospital, a certificate of recognition given by actor Carlos Casagrande, for the work offered by the institution during the COVID pandemic 19.

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