XVIII Brazilian Congress on Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology

01/11/2022 10:23

Between November 26 and 29, 2022, the XVIII Brazilian Congress of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology took place in the city of São Paulo. The graduate program in Nursing Care Management, Master Nurse Michelle Machado Fortunato, participated in the event in which she can update on the subject. She also had the opportunity to meet Dr. Gonzalo Vecina who prefaced the book Health Under Multiple Eyes in which Master Michelle was a co-author in the chapter entitled Infection Control, the Art of Saving Lives.

Michelle can also deliver the book to Dr. Didier Pittet, who specializes in infectious diseases and director of the Infection Control Program and the WHO Collaborating Center on Patient Safety in Geneva.

Michelle also received from Rioquímica, on behalf of the Unimed Criciúma Hospital, a certificate of recognition given by actor Carlos Casagrande, for the work offered by the institution during the COVID pandemic 19.

Projeto Assistencial e Inovação Tecnológica

03/10/2022 12:43

Last week, we had, in Porto Velho, the activities of the disciplines of Care Project and Technological Innovation with professors Nádia M.C. Salum and Luciara Fabiane Sebold, and the discipline of Emerging Technologies with professors Nádia M.C. Salum and Daniela Ponte, result of our partner UNIR.


Interview with student Cristine Ferraz

22/02/2022 22:25

Cristine Ferraz, estudiante del PPGPENF y enfermera de la HU, advierte de la importancia de las medidas de protección frente al Covid en la vuelta a clases.

La estudiante del Programa de Posgrado: Gestión de Cuidados de Enfermería – Modalidad Profesional de la UFSC y enfermera de Pediatría del Hospital Universitario Profesora Polydoro Ernani de São Thiago (HU-UFSC/Ebserh), Cristine Ferraz, concedió una entrevista a un periódico local explicando que a pesar del progreso del proceso de vacunación y del inicio de la inmunización de la población infantil, El cuidado contra la contaminación por SARS-Cov-2 continúa, y en este momento en que los niños regresan a clase, los padres y tutores deben tener especial cuidado, guiando a los más pequeños para mantener las medidas de prevención y observando los principales síntomas del Covid-19.

Según su informe, los profesionales de la salud han observed that, actualmente, los síntomas del Covid son más similares a los síntomas de la gripe común en un adult (secreción nasal, flema, tos y dolor de garganta) y en ocasiones fiebre, más concretamente, en el caso de los niños hay dos síntomas que han llamado la atención: vomiting and abdominal dolor. “Este es un indicador que hemos notado”, dijo, y señaló que los padres deben ser conscientes de estas situaciones. Agrega que todavía hay casos de síntomas como dolor de cabeza, muy común entre los niños, además de los síntomas clásicos del Covid, como la pérdida del olfato y el gusto, que continúan presentándose en algunos casos.

Para ella, en este regreso a la escuela, los padres y tutores deben guiar a los niños para que continúen dissinfectándose las manos con frecuencia, mantengan el distanciamiento social siempre que sea posible y continúen usando máscaras, advirtiendo que es importante cubrirse la nariz y la boca. “Es muy común que los niños se distraigan y terminen tapándose solo la boca y dejando la nose expuesta”, advirtió.

Sobre la vacunación, Cristine explicó que es esencial que los padres lleven a los niños a vacunarse, especially ahora que regresan a la vida social en las escuelas. “Si el niño se infecta, la vacuna puede evitar que tenga complicaciones a corto o largo plazo y puede evitar que desarrolle las formas más más de la enfermedad, especially si este niño tiene alguna afección asociada como asma, diabetes u obesidad”, explicó.

Rememberó que hay muchos padres que preocupan por los efectos secondary, pero señaló que, como han declarado las autoridades sanitarias, la vacuna es segura. Según la enfermera, los efectos secondary pueden ocurrir como con cualquier otra vacuna y, en el caso de las ofrecidas contra el Covid-19, los casos más comunes son dolor local, fie bajbrea, fatiga y dolor muscular, dolor de cabeza, nausea y pérdida de apetito.

Vea el informe haciendo clic AQUÍ.

Cofen and OPAS select 39 experiments for Innovation Lab

11/02/2022 16:58

In 2019, the Federal Nursing Council (COFEN) launched the Laboratory of Nursing Innovation (LIE), an initiative that seeks to capture and document the knowledge considered successful, innovative and relevant of the experiences developed in the scope of management, care and training in the SUS, and which present contributions to the expansion of access, improvement of the work process and qualification of health actions and services offered in the Unified Health System (SUS).

Among 329 experiences from all over Brazil, 16 were the finalists, being selected and recognized in December 2020.

Nursing in the city of Florianópolis stood out in the first edition, with five experiences recognized among the 16 finalists. In September 2021, the 2nd edition of LIE was launched with the theme: Valuing and Strengthening Universal Health.

On 10/02/22, the 39 experiences selected for the second stage of the LIE were disclosed, among 150 reports enrolled.

Among the selected, 10 are from Santa Catarina and six from Florianópolis. One of them was enrolled by the master’s student Guilherme Mortari Belaver, from the Graduate Program in Nursing Care Management – Professional Modality.

The title of the experience is “Improvement of Access to People with Elimination Ostomy in the City of Florianópolis from the Implementation of Two Flowcharts of Care“. The report is about the experience of the master’s head master’s office in the Reference Service in The Care of the Person with Ostomy of the city of Florianópolis and how the management and care processes improved from the creation of flowcharts that organize the path of people with ostomies, their families and nurses in the municipal health network of Florianópolis.

The flowcharts were created as an activity developed in the discipline MPE 310023 – Assistance And Technological Innovation Projects, of the professional master’s degree, in which it was necessary to choose a theme of care practice to be improved. Noting that there were no well-defined flows for the assistance to people with elimination ostomies, the master’s teacher used this need to work. Flowcharts were validated by nurses from the municipal network working in primary health care (PHC), secondary care and management.

The first flowchart is called “Flow of Elimination Stomy Materials” and the second, “Insertion Flow of the Person with Elimination Ostomy”. From the beginning of the use of both, the flows became clear and objective, there is less waste of material and access to the Reference Service in The Care of People with Ostomy is easier for people with ostomies, family members and nurses in the network.

Technology has helped a lot in this process, since the use of institutional WhatsApp enables more agile communication and nursing teleconsultations, in addition to case discussions with PHC nurses, which can guide the most appropriate care.

The next step of LIE is the face-to-face presentation of the experience in Brasilia in May of this year, where all registrants will undergo a new evaluation. In the second semester, the selected experiences will be evaluated on site by judges and the award of the finalists is scheduled to take place in November.

Master guilherme Mortari Belaver

Matrículas 2022-1

01/02/2022 16:17



Semestre 2022-1


Aulas: 11/04 a 29/07/2022
Matrículas: 27/03 a 08/04/2022


Para realizar a matrícula acessar o CAPG: clique aqui.
Após o pedido de matrícula, enviar o comprovante assinado para o e-mail do programa.
Turma Sede (UFSC)
Turma Fora de Sede (UNIR)
Quadro de disciplinas 2022-1 – sede
Quadro de disciplinas 2022-1 – fora de sede
Planos de ensino
ALUNOS ESPECIAIS: Nesse semestre não serão ofertadas vagas para alunos especiais

ATENÇÃO: os candidatos aprovados na seleção referente aos editais 04 e 05/2021/PPGPENF podem realizar matrícula de 06 a 08/04/2022, sigam as instruções do quadro acima. Qualquer dúvida enviem e-mail para a secretaria do programa.

Sobratafe Global Advanced Wound Care Meeting

19/11/2021 10:02

Professoras, Alunos do Programa (Mestrandos, doutorandos e egressos) e do Curso de graduação em Enfermagem vinculados ao Grupo de Pesquisa LAPETAC e a Liga Acadêmica LAPEFE; médicos cirurgiões plásticos do HU/UFSC/EBESERH recentemente apresentaram trabalhos em dois eventos científicos internacionais de grande relevância na área de Estomaterapia, tendo em um dos eventos 2 trabalhos premiados:

Sobratafe Global Advanced Wound Care Meeting, ocorrido de 20 a 25 de outubro de 2021.

1) Categoria trabalho acadêmico: Academic League in Stomal Therapy: challenges and overcoming in times of Pandemic. Autors: Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi, Cilene Fernandes Soares, Milena Ronise Calegari, Bettina Heindenreich Silva, Daniela Soldera, Maria Eduarda Alves Ferreira, Lucia Nazareth Amante e Luciara Fabiane Sebold.

2) Categoria estudo de caso de grande relevância: Negative pressure therapy treatment in Abdominal retail necrosis after abdominal Dermolipectomy. Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi. Felipe Oliveira Duarte. Guilherme Luiz Pacher Schmitz, Milena Ronise Calegari. Julia Grisard De-Bem. Lúcia Nazareth Amante.

3) Categoria trabalho experimental: Foram premiados 2 trabalhos

Ozone therapy transcutaneous versus Photobiomodulation in treating burn. Autors: Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi, Felipe Duarte, Julia Grisard de Bem, Carla do Rosário, Milena Ronise Calegari, Lucia Nazareth Amante, Cilene Fernandes Soares, Luciara Fabiane Sebold.

Ozone therapy in the therapeutic approach to the management of leukocytoclastic
vasculitis. Autors: Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi; Felipe Duarte; Julia Grisard de Bem; Carla do Rosário; Milena Ronise Calegari; Lucia Nazareth Amante; Cilene Fernandes Soares; Aldanea Norma de Souza Silvestrin.

4) Categoria trabalho profissional: Educational Technology for the prevention of Friction Injuries in the elderly: Animated Infographic. Autors: Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi, Gabriela Xavier Morais, Monica Stein, Daniela Soldera, Juliano Teixeira Moraes, Melissa Orlandi Honorio Locks, Cilene Fernandes Soares, Julia Grisard do Bem, Carla do Rosário, Milena Ronise Calegari.

Wounds Canada 2021, ocorrido de 21 a 23 de outubro de 2021.

1) Photobiomodulation therapy in the Treatment of Peristomal Dermatitis in Infants. Autors: Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi, Gabriela Beims Gapski, Milena Ronise Calgari,Julia Grisard de Bem, Lúcia Nazareth Amante.

2) Photobiomodulation in the treatment ofherpetic lesion: case study. Autors: Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi, Felipe Duarte, Milena Ronise Calegari, Júlia Grisardde Bem, Carla do Rosario, Lúcia Nazareth Amante, Karina Meneguzzi.

3) Topical ozone therapy in the treatment ofleukocytoclastic vasculitis. Autors: Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi, Felipe Duarte, Milena Ronise Calgari, Júlia Grisard de Bem, Lúcia Nazareth Amante, Luciara Fabiane Sebold, Carla do Rosário.

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